Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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What does the Bible say about asking for help? Many people hate to ask others for help. They have that “I can do it on my own” mentality. In life when something is broken in the home, wives say, “call someone to fix it.” Men say, “why when I can do it myself,” even though [...]

Is Karma Real?

Many people ask is karma real or fake? The answer is simple. No, it’s not real nor is it biblical. According to merriam-webster.com, “karma is the force created by a person’s actions that is believed in Hinduism and Buddhism to determine what that person’s next life will be like.” In other words, what you do in this life will [...]

What does the Bible say about success? We all desire success, but a believer desires a different type of success than the world. Success for a Christian is the obedience to the known will of God whether that means going through trials or receiving a blessing. True success is doing what God wants for us [...]

What does the Bible say about affliction? Regarding this topic the words from Scripture I always remember are “many are the afflictions of the righteous.” Sometimes we might question God and ask, “Lord what did I do wrong? Did I sin?” Scripture makes it clear that even though a believer has been faithful and has [...]

What does the Bible say about a virtuous woman? A virtuous woman is nothing like what you see in the world today. You can marry a beautiful woman, but beauty doesn’t make a virtuous woman.  If she is lazy, nagging, and lacks discernment, then she is not a virtuous woman and you should be careful [...]

What does the Bible say about America? America is very evil and it will be punished by God. It is so wicked that not only do unbelievers live like demons, but many people who profess Jesus as Lord do as well, but of course these are false Christians. The things that are acceptable now in [...]

What does the Bible say about idolatry? Everything belongs to God. Everything is about God. We have to understand who God is. He is not a god, He is the one and only God of the universe, who reveals Himself supremely in the person of Jesus Christ. Romans 1 tells us that idolatry is exchanging [...]

Is Interracial Marriage A Sin?

Interracial dating is not a sin plain and simple. There is nothing wrong with it in the Bible. The Bible does not support racism, prejudice, or discrimination. There are many people who don’t like the fact that this type of person is with that type of person and they falsely represent the Bible and what [...]

Have you been looking into alternative healthcare options to help you to save? If so, then you will enjoy this review. Today, we will be comparing Christian Healthcare Ministries Vs Medi-Share. In this article, we will take a look at the price, sharing limit, the numbers of providers that each sharing company has to offer, [...]

What does the Bible say about eye for an eye? Many people use this Old Testament saying to justify getting revenge, but Jesus said we should not seek retaliation and we should not resort to fighting. As Christians we must love our enemies. This was used in the legal system for serious crimes. Just like [...]

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