Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

Hidden in the book of Acts (20:7-12), there is a young man named Eutychus sitting on the windowsill in a tall building, listening to St. Paul talk about the life saving message of salvation and redemption, teaching the people of Toroas. This was one of those meetings of the early church, trying to figure out [...]

Bible Prayers

Prayers from the Bible The Bible is filled with prayers. Every biblical leader knew the importance of prayer. People prayed for understanding, blessings, strength, healing, family, direction, unbelievers, and more. Today, we cast so much doubt on God. He’s the same God. If He answered then, He will answer now. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 “Rejoice always, [...]

What does the Bible say about God’s promises? As believers, we have a “better covenant” based on “better promises” (Hebrews 8:6). What are these better promises? What’s the difference between a covenant and a promise? What does it mean that the promises of God are “yes and amen?” Let’s explore these questions and more! Christian [...]

Husbands Love Your Wives

Being a kingdom man in today’s society is like swimming against the current as you watch all your brothers float carelessly down the stream. As God continues to work on me in my walk with Him, one of the hardest areas I struggle with is properly loving my wife. The issue isn’t in the act [...]

What does the Bible say about giving? Are you storing up treasures in Heaven or on Earth? Many people hate this topic. “Oh no here comes another Christian talking about giving more money again.” When it’s time to give does your heart buckle up? The gospel produces the kind of heart that expresses love. The [...]


Bible verses about coveting One of the Ten Commandments is “You shall not covet.” Be content with what you have and don’t desire things that don’t belong to you. You will never be happy when you covet, but when you seek Christ and keep your mind on Him you will always have joy. Life is [...]

Best Projectors For Churches

Are you looking for a projector for your church to display beautiful images, church announcements, Scriptures, and lyrics? We all love visual aids. Video projectors keeps audiences connected and focused with what’s going on in your church. Just because you need a projector doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands of dollars either. Check these projectors [...]

How many versions of the Bible are there? Thousands! That is, thousands are available in multiple languages. YouVersion currently has 3,023 Bible versions for online Bible reading in 2,005 languages. They also have 1.490 audio Bible versions. Other websites like Bible Hub[i] have over 50 versions of the Bible in English available to read online. [...]

What does the Bible say about modesty? Throughout my walk of faith I see how God has been teaching me about modesty. Even I have fallen short in this area. Modesty is not only for women it is for men as well. “Yes, we get it muscle man you’re buff now put a shirt on [...]

What does the Bible say about asking for help? Many people hate to ask others for help. They have that “I can do it on my own” mentality. In life when something is broken in the home, wives say, “call someone to fix it.” Men say, “why when I can do it myself,” even though [...]

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