Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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What does the Bible say about animals? Two things we learn from reading God’s Word is God loves animals and there will be animals in Heaven. There are many metaphors regarding animals in the Bible. Among some of the animals mentioned are sheep, dogs, lions, deers, doves, eagles, fish, rams, bulls, snakes, rats, pigs, and [...]

What does the Bible say about atheism? Atheists are some of the most religious and faithful people ever. It takes an incredible amount of faith to be an atheist. Sun, moon, stars, oceans, the Earth, animals, babies, male, female, the human heart, emotions, our conscience, love, intelligence, the human mind, bone structure, the human reproductive [...]

Life can be overwhelming for even the strongest people. If we’re honest, we’ve all experienced the pain of a broken heart in some way, shape, or form. The question is, what do you do with that broken heart? Do you rest in it, or do you give it to the Lord and allow Him to [...]

What does the Bible say about regrets? Never allow Satan to hurt you with regret. Sometimes he tries to make us dwell on our past sins before Christ. Worrying about old sins does nothing for you. Through repentance and putting your trust in Christ for salvation, you’re a new creation. God blots out your sins [...]


Bible verses about cats Surprisingly while the Bible does give references to dogs, you will not find anything about cats in the Bible. I’m sorry cat lovers. However, God showed me something amazing the other day. All cats belong to the same feline family. There are 36 or 37 species of cats. Lions and cats [...]


Bible verses about vanity The definition of vanity is having a lot of pride or conceit in your appearance or achievements. It also means worthless, emptiness, or something without value just like life apart from God is nothing. Saying you’re a Christian, but living in rebellion is vanity. Competing with others and living for riches [...]

What does the Bible say about judging others? People are always writing me saying, “don’t judge only God can judge.” This statement is not even in the Bible. Most of the people who say that it is wrong to judge others are not unbelievers. They are people who profess to be Christians. People don’t understand [...]

What does the Bible say about morning prayer? It’s always great to pray in the morning. Give the Lord thanks for everything. Wake up to some great Scriptures that you can put anywhere in your room. When we wake up the flesh wants everything, but prayer. It wants to check emails, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, the [...]

Questioning God

Bible verses about questioning God Is it wrong to question God? In the Bible, we often see believers questioning God such as Habakkuk who asks why is this evil happening? God later answers him and he rejoices in the Lord. His question was coming from a sincere heart. The problem is many people often question [...]

What does the Bible say about the heart? The condition of the heart is extremely important when it comes to salvation, your daily walk with the Lord, your emotions, etc. In the Bible the heart is mentioned almost 1000 times. Let’s see what Scripture has to say about the heart. Christian quotes about the heart [...]

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