What does the Bible say about selflessness? One trait that is needed on your Christian walk of faith is selflessness. Sometimes we worry about ourselves and our wants rather than wanting to give others our time and our help, but this should not be. We must have empathy for others and put ourselves in someone [...]
Bible Verses about taking God’s name in vain Be careful what comes out of your mouth because using the Lord’s name in vain is indeed a sin. We are to always obey the third commandment. When we misuse His name we are dishonoring Him and showing a lack of respect. God will not be mocked. [...]
What does the Bible say about revenge? The eye for an eye quote should not be used to seek retaliation. Not only did Jesus teach us to turn the other way, but He also showed us with His life. The sinful self wants to lash out in anger. It wants others to feel the same [...]
What does the Bible say about slavery? Does the Bible condone slavery? Does it promote it? Let’s find out what the Bible really says about slavery. This topic is filled with so much confusion and so much lies brought on by the atheist Bible critics. The first thing that Satan always wants to do is [...]
What does the Bible say new creation? Thousands of years ago, God created the first man and woman: Adam and Eve. Now, God says that we who believe in Him are a new creation. “Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come” (2 Corinthians [...]
What does the Bible say about Jesus’ birth? Christmas is almost upon us. It is at this time of the year that we honor the incarnation of Christ. The day that Christ, God the Son, the Second person of the Trinity came down to earth to be wrapped in flesh. Whether or not it is [...]
What does the Bible say about caring for others? God is a caring father. He came down from His heavenly throne in the form of man and He paid the price for our sins. He was rich, but for us He became poor. Scripture tells us that the reason we are able to love is [...]
Bible verses about drinking wine There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. Always remember that Jesus even turned water into wine and wine in Scripture was and is still used today for health benefits. I always recommend staying away from alcohol so you don’t cause anyone to stumble or cause yourself to sin. Drunkenness is [...]
What does the Bible say about happiness? Have you ever wondered how are we able to be happy? Where does happiness come from? It is a gift from God. True happiness is only found in Jesus Christ. Nothing gives you an everlasting joy and happiness like Jesus Christ. Many people try to substitute Christ for [...]
What does the Bible say about eternal life? God gives all of us a sense of eternity. Eternal life is a gift from God through Christ. When we think of eternal life we think about life after death but it’s more than that. For the believer, eternal life is now. God is eternal. Eternal life [...]