Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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Bible Verses About Doors

What does the Bible say about doors? When God opens doors in our lives don’t try to close it because of the trials, which is sometimes required. No one can close an open door that God has for you so have confidence in the Lord. If it’s God’s will it will be done, remember He [...]

What does the Bible say about learning? Learning is a blessing from the Lord. Are you growing in your knowledge of God and His Word? The wisdom from the Bible prepares, cautions, encourages, comforts, guides, and supports us in our time of need. Below we will learn more about learning and how we can gain [...]

What does the Bible say about asking for help? Many people hate to ask others for help. They have that “I can do it on my own” mentality. In life when something is broken in the home, wives say, “call someone to fix it.” Men say, “why when I can do it myself,” even though [...]

Lilies In The Bible

What does the Bible say about lilies? There are a lot of things that we can learn from lilies and all flowers. Flowers are symbolic for growth, temporary things, beauty, and more. Let’s check out Scriptures on lilies. Christian quotes about lilies “Violent efforts to grow are right in earnestness, but wholly wrong in principle. [...]

What Does The Bible Say About Acceptance?  When you were growing up, being accepted by kids at school may have been a big deal to you. Perhaps you thought they accepted you, only to be pushed aside and rejected. What about God’s acceptance? Is he like those kids who pushed you aside when you didn’t [...]


Bible verses about spells Christians can rest assure that we cannot be harmed by witchcraft, but we are to never have anything to do with it. Sadly we are in dark times where many people who profess the name of Christ cast spells. These people are deceived by Satan and they will not enter into [...]

Other Religions

Bible verses about other religions You always hear how do we know which religion is right? First, Jesus says He’s the only way, which is saying all the other different religions are false. Accepting Him is the only way into Heaven. The books of other religions contradict themselves such as the Quran which says the Bible [...]

What does the Bible say about oppression? If you’re feeling oppressed in life for whatever reason the best thing to do is cast your burdens on God. He cares for the people who feel crushed and are treated unfairly every day. Don’t dwell on the bad, but focus on God instead. Remember He is always [...]

Backsliding In The Bible

What does the Bible say about backsliding? Throughout the Bible we see time and time again where God’s own people turn their backs on Him. Some of you reading this don’t love God the way that you used to. Prayer is a burden now. Reading Scripture is a burden now. You don’t witness to the [...]

What does the Bible say about manipulation? Watch out because there will be many people in life who will try to manipulate you or maybe they already have. There will be stiff penalties for these people because God is never mocked. They try to manipulate by twisting, removing, or adding on to Scripture. Examples of [...]

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