Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

Ashley Evans

Grace Vs Mercy Vs Justice Vs Law

There is a lot of misunderstanding about what Grace and Mercy is. There is also a tremendous misunderstanding about how this applies to God’s justice and His law. But these terms are crucial to understand in order for us to completely understand what it means to be saved. What is grace? Grace is unmerited favor. [...]

What Is Calvinism?

What does Calvinism mean? In evangelical circles, there is a tremendous amount of misunderstanding about the beliefs held dear to the Calvinists. Just like with many denominations, there can be some variation between churches. Just like the Southern Baptist Denomination does not hold to the hate filled teaching of the extremists like Westboro Baptist Church, [...]

Egalitarianism Vs Complementarianism

With the SBC currently battling the abuse scandals, the discussion and debate of complementarianism and egalitarianism is being brought up more and more frequently. In order for us to engage in these situations from a biblical worldview, we need to have a solid grasp of what the Bible says about these topics. What is egalitarianism?  [...]

What does the Bible say about selfishness? The core of selfishness is self-idolatry. When someone behaves in a selfish manner, they are numb to the pain they cause others. There are so many selfish people – because it is extremely easy to behave in a selfish manner. Selfishness is self-centeredness. When you are being selfish, [...]

Torah Vs Bible

Jews and Christians are known as People of the Book. This is in reference to the Bible: God’s Holy Word. But how different is the Torah from the Bible? History  The Torah is part of the sacred Scriptures of the Jewish people. The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, is typically divided into three parts: the Torah, [...]

What does the Bible say about creation? Understanding the Biblical creation account is vitally important. Yet, many churches regard this as a minor issue – one that people can agree to disagree about. However, if you claim that the Biblical creation narrative is not 100% true – it leaves room to doubt the rest of [...]


Bible verses about uncertainty Life is full of ups and downs. If we think that life is all about being happy, we will be sorely disappointed. If we think that all God wants is for us to be happy, then we will think that our religion has failed when we are not happy. We need [...]

Bible Verses About Home

What does the Bible say about home? The Family is an institution created by God. This beautiful creation is a mirror of the relationship between Christ and the Church. Many young couples eagerly anticipate their families gathering around together for lengthy family worship – only to see how hard it is, especially when babies and [...]

The Bible Vs The Book Of Mormon

What are the major differences between the Bible and the Book of Mormon? Is the Book of Mormon reliable? Can we view it with the same regard as we view the Bible? Can anything helpful be gleaned from it?   Authors The Bible Voddie Baucham at the Ever Loving Truth Conference in 2016 said, “I [...]

What does the Bible say about the tongue? The Bible says a lot about the way we should and shouldn’t speak. But why does the Bible put such an emphasis on the way we speak? Let’s find out below. Christian quotes about the tongue “The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break [...]

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