What does the Bible say about worship? Worship is a central part of Christianity because the Bible declares that we were created for the worship of God (ref. Isaiah 43:21). But what is worship? Is it a choir singing or a person playing guitar? Or is it much more than that? Let’s explore what the [...]
What does the Bible say about redemption? When sin entered the world, so did the need for redemption. God set up a plan to save mankind from the sin brought in by man. The entire Old Testament leads to Jesus in the New Testament. Find out what redemption means and why you need it to [...]
What does the Bible say about God’s glory? Romans 3:23 tells us we all fall short of the glory of God but begs the question, what is the glory of God? First, God’s glory of God is visible, and it’s something we should strive to attain. But, unfortunately, most people seek their own glory and [...]
In 1971, many Christians who had been struggling through the archaic language of available translations were delighted to find a new translation in relatively modern English – the New American Standard Bible. The, seven years later, another version hit the Christian bookstores – the New International Version. Considered even easier to read, sales shot up, [...]
What does the Bible say about Jesus’ birth? Christmas is almost upon us. It is at this time of the year that we honor the incarnation of Christ. The day that Christ, God the Son, the Second person of the Trinity came down to earth to be wrapped in flesh. Whether or not it is [...]
What does the Bible say about suffering? Chances are, you or someone you love is passing through suffering right now. It may be chronic pain, illness, or disability. It may be grief from some traumatic loss. It may be a fragmenting relationship. It may be the pain of struggling through seemingly insurmountable challenges. Do you [...]
What does the Bible say about favor? Can I ask you a favor? We often say this, but could the word “favor” have more meaning than we realize? The online dictionary defines favor as “an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.” Considering this definition, when we ask a favor, we’re potentially asking [...]
What does the Bible say about God being with us? When we feel fearful, we need to be reminded of God’s presence. When we feel weak in our faith, we need to be reminded of God’s promises and His great love for us. Even though God is all-powerful and so completely otherly in His holiness, [...]
What does the Bible say about overcoming obstacles? The Bible is very clear that this world is not a stroll in the park. There will be obstacles in life because our world is tainted by sin. We will face struggles of all kinds, but let’s remember that we are not alone. Christian quotes “You will [...]
What does the Bible say about obedience? Our obedience to the Lord comes from our love for Him and our appreciation for the great price that was paid for us. Jesus calls us to obedience. In fact, obedience to God is an act of worship to Him. Let’s learn more below and read a plethora [...]