Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

Today, about 76% of couples live together before marriage. Among Evangelical Christians, 54% cohabit before marriage, and the number is higher for younger couples. Moving in together before saying “I do” has become a “new norm,” even among Christians. It has become morally acceptable for many believers as long as the couple plans to marry. [...]

Do you love to read? Reading is a wonderful pastime and has many benefits for our minds and bodies. As followers of Christ, one of the books we love to read is the Bible. The Bible comprises 66 books written by 40 different authors over 1,500 years. It includes 30,000 sentences or verses within its [...]

What Does Bible Stand For?

Is Bible an acronym? Have you ever wondered how the Bible got its name? What does the word “Bible” mean? Is it an acronym? Who wrote the Bible? Is it relevant and reliable for today? Why should we read it, and how often? What can we learn from the Bible about our lives right now [...]

Demon Vs Devil

The devil and his demons have reign over the earth and hope to destroy the relationship man has with God out of jealousy. While they have some power, they are nowhere near as powerful as God and have limitations to what he can do to humans. Take a look at what you need to know [...]


There is a great debate amongst some people as to which translation is the best. Some people love the ESV, NKJV, NIV, NLT, KJV, etc. The answer is a complicated one. However, today we are comparing two popular Bible translations, the NIV and the ESV Bible. Origin  NIV – The New International Version is an [...]

How To Read The Bible For Beginners

There are so many things that God wants to tell us through His Word. Unfortunately, our Bibles are closed. Although this article is titled “how to read the Bible for beginners,” this article is for all believers. Most believers struggle with reading the Bible. Here are some things that I do which have helped to strengthen [...]

Islam Vs Christianity

Islam seems like an indecipherable puzzle to many Christians, and Christianity is likewise perplexing to many Muslims. Christians and Muslims sometimes experience an element of fear or uncertainty when encountering those of the other faith. This article will explore the essential similarities and differences between the two religions, so we can build bridges of friendship [...]

Pantheism Vs Panentheism

Two philosophical ideas that are easily confused is pantheism vs panentheism. Let’s try to dig into this a bit to see what all the differences are and what Scripture has to say about them. What is pantheism? Pantheism is a philosophical belief that God can be equated with the universe and what is in it. [...]

The Devil Vs Jesus

When we meet someone new, one of the first questions we often ask them is where they’re from. We usually follow up by asking how they ended up in the area and what they do for a living. We may have similar questions about Jesus and the Devil. Where does Jesus come from? Why did [...]

How To Worship God?

It seems harder than ever to make time to worship God. Whether it’s a busier schedule because of homeschooling, added stress, or church being closed, I think all of us can say this is an area that can use some serious growth. However, the craziness of this year can’t be all to blame. If we’re [...]

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