What does the Bible say about being calm? In life there will be times when it’s hard to remain calm, but instead of worrying and dwelling on the problem we must seek the Lord. It is crucial that we get away from all the noise around us and all the noise in our heart and [...]
What does the Bible say about equality? Equality is a hot topic in society today: racial equality, gender equality, economic equality, political equality, social equality, and more. What does God has to say about equality? Let’s explore His multi-faceted teachings diverse types of equality. Christian quotes about equality “Throughout the millennia of human history, up [...]
Bible verses about toil Since the beginning we were all made to toil. Christians are to be a good example of hard work. The one who doesn’t want to work will be disgraced and will come to poverty. Whatever your occupation is, do it with enthusiasm and work hard. Don’t overwork which is very harmful [...]
Bible verses about superstition We all have heard about superstitions like Friday the 13th, knocking on wood, coming across a black cat, walking under a ladder, etc. To be superstitious is idolatry and it is trusting in things other than God. It is a slap in the face to Him showing that you don’t trust [...]
What does the Bible say about sin? We all sin. It’s a fact and part of human nature. Our world is fallen and corrupt because of sin. It is impossible to never sin, if anyone says that they’ve never committed any iniquity, they are outright liars. Only Jesus Christ, who was and is perfect in [...]
Bible verses about exposing evil It absolutely saddens and disgusts me by the amount of fake Christians in Christianity. Most people who call themselves Christians in America will be thrown into hell. They’re rebellious towards the Word of God and when someone rebukes them they say, “thou shall not judge.” First, that verse is talking [...]
Bible verses about talking to the dead Since the old Testament sorcery has always been forbidden and it was punishable by death. Things like Ouija boards, witchcraft, psychics, and astral projection are of the devil. Christians are to have nothing to do with these. Many people try to talk to their dead family members by [...]
What does the Bible say about miscarriage? Many expecting couples have been crushed by their baby’s miscarriage. Feelings of loss can be intense, and questions often flood their minds. Is God punishing me? Did I somehow cause my baby’s death? How could a loving God let this happen? Is my baby in heaven? Let’s explore [...]
Bible verses about extortion Christians are to have nothing to do with blackmailing and extortion, which is indeed sin. It doesn’t matter if it has to do with money, something valuable, or someone’s secret we are to love each other. “Love does no harm to its neighbor.” We are to treat others the same way [...]
What is your personality type? Are you introverted or extroverted? Do you ever wonder if God prefers a certain personality type or feel that you must conform to something you’re not just to effectively spread the gospel? This introvert vs extrovert article will explore the meaning of introverted and extroverted, discuss if being introverted is [...]