Bible verses about kind words Your tongue is a very powerful tool and it has the power of life and death. I always remember when someone helps me with their words. It might not seem like a big deal to them, but I always cherish a good word. Saying kind words to people cheers people [...]
Bible verses about comparing yourself to others One of the fastest ways of discouraging yourself and getting trapped by the sin of envy is when you compare yourself to others. God has a specific plan for you and you won’t accomplish that plan by looking at others. Count your blessings and not the blessings of [...]
Bible verses about toil Since the beginning we were all made to toil. Christians are to be a good example of hard work. The one who doesn’t want to work will be disgraced and will come to poverty. Whatever your occupation is, do it with enthusiasm and work hard. Don’t overwork which is very harmful [...]
Bible verses about debauchery Debauchery is living a lifestyle contrary to what you were made for. It is living in drunkenness, partying, drug use, sexual immorality, worldliness, and basically unholiness. America is the land of the wicked. We are seeing an increase in bestiality, homosexuality, and many more lascivious things. No true believer would live such [...]
Bible verses about regeneration We don’t preach on the doctrine of regeneration anymore. There are many people who call themselves Christians who are not Christians. Many people have all the right words, but their heart is not regenerate. By nature man is evil. His nature leads him to do evil. An evil man cannot change himself [...]
What does the Bible say about seasons? It is easy to get discouraged when facing a difficult season in life. How quickly we begin to think that the season will last for the rest of eternity or that we are “stuck” in a hard place by accident. When facing any season of life, its vital [...]
What does the Bible say about stewardship? A common question that Christians have is: “How much should I give to the church?”. It is this author’s view that this is the wrong place to begin when we seek to understand what the Bible says about stewardship. A better question to begin with is: “Can I trust [...]
What does the Bible say about bestiality? America is extremely wicked and filled with perversion. People actually boast in the fact that they are zoosexuals. People even boast that they love zoophilia pornography. Cannibalism and bestiality is on the rise and not only is it sick it is animal cruelty. It is disgusting that this [...]
What does the Bible say about grace? Grace is the unmerited favor of God. God pours out His favor upon sinners like us who deserve the worst. The Father gave His Son the punishment that we deserve. Grace can be summed up as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. You can’t run away from the grace [...]
What does the Bible say about God’s plan? We’ve all had those times where we’re scratching our heads and wondering, “What next?” Maybe you’re in that place right now. If you’re in high school, you might be wondering whether to go to college or pursue a trade. Perhaps you believe college is in your future, [...]