Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

Bible Verses About Greed

What does the Bible say about greed? Greed is the reason for drug dealings, stealing, robbing, lying, fraud, and other sinful businesses such as the porn industry, and more. When you’re greedy for money you will do anything to get the money you love. Scripture tells us that it’s impossible to serve both God and [...]

Bible Vs Quran

In this article, we will look at two books which are the sacred scriptures for three religions. The Bible is the sacred scriptures for Christians, and the Old Testament section (Tanakh) is the scripture for the Jewish faith. The Koran (Qurʾān) is the scripture for the religion of Islam. What do these books tell us about [...]

Articles on Jesus

In this post, we have compiled a list of articles about Jesus from Biblereasons.com. Would you like to learn more about your Savior? Let’s explore what the Bible has to say on Jesus and some of the most popular questions regarding Him. 60 Bible verses about Jesus 50 Jesus Quotes Is Jesus God? 50 Bible [...]

What does the Bible say about brothers? There are many different brothers in the Bible. Some relationships were filled with love and sadly some were filled with hate. When Scripture talks about brothers it’s not always blood related. Brotherhood can be a close friendship you have with someone. It can be other believers within the [...]

What does the Bible say about renewing the mind? How do you renew your mind? Are you earthly minded or are you heavenly minded? Let’s replace the world’s way of thinking with the truths of God’s Word. What we dwell upon and the things that take our time will shape our lives. As believers, we [...]

What does the Bible say about missions? It’s a serious thing to talk about missions and it should be treated as such. As missionaries, we are bringing the gospel to dead men. We won’t stop until the flag of Jesus Christ is raised in every nation. As missionaries, we are building up the bride of [...]

What does the Bible say about regrets? Never allow Satan to hurt you with regret. Sometimes he tries to make us dwell on our past sins before Christ. Worrying about old sins does nothing for you. Through repentance and putting your trust in Christ for salvation, you’re a new creation. God blots out your sins [...]

Snake Handling

Bible verses about snake handling Some churches today are handling snakes because of one verse and this should not be. When reading Mark we know that the Lord will protect us, but that doesn’t mean we put God to the test, which is clearly sinful and dangerous. People want to handle snakes, but they miss [...]

What does the Bible say about hopelessness? When everything seems to be falling apart and life seems hopeless, consider people like Job or Jeremiah who wanted to give up, but overcame trials. When everything is going great how can you see the goodness of the Lord? The devil wants you to lose hope and he [...]

Heaven Vs Hell

What do you think of when you hear the words Heaven and Hell? Some associate clouds with clouds and boredom with Heaven and fire and pitchfork wielding jailers when they think of Hell. But what does the Bible teach? That is what we will answer with this post. What is Heaven and Hell? What is [...]

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