Many Christians ask what does a rainbow mean in the Bible? A rainbow in the sky is a beautiful Christian symbol which homosexuals have stolen and turned into a mockery, but God will not be mocked. God gave us rainbows to remind us that he wouldn’t flood the earth ever again. After the great flood [...]
What does the Bible say about being still? There’s just too much noise! There’s just too much movement! Have you ever wondered how some Christians can be going through the worst pain and suffering and still they have joy? It’s because they are being still. They put all their worries in God’s hands. Instead of [...]
What does the Bible say about revival? The recent revival at Asbury University that has spread to several other Christian and secular colleges has sparked much debate. What, exactly, is revival, and why is it important? How do we pray for revival, and is there anything else we should do to encourage it? What hinders [...]
Bible verses about God’s help Sometimes when we are in tough situations we wonder where is God? Why won’t He answer? Maybe the tough situation is God’s helping hand at work. Sometimes the things that we think are bad happen because God is protecting us from an even worse situation that we didn’t see coming. [...]
Barack Hussein Obama is the 44th president of the United States of America and while he claims to be a Christian he is not and I’ll prove it. You will hear false teachers in America like Joel Osteen who tells the world he is Christian, but you must remember that Mr. Osteen is from the [...]
Bible verses about being considerate As Christians we must not be self-seeking, but we must look out for the interests of others. In this selfish world the motto is it’s all about me. We must humble ourselves before others and love one another. Watch what you say around people. When you’re about to say something [...]
Bible verses about showing off Whether it is showing off your faith, how smart you are, or your body it is all bad. Showing off is never a good thing. All boasting is evil. If you’re going to boast then boast in Christ. There are many theologians who care more about the Bible than they [...]
Bible verses about hoarding While it is good to save we must be on guard from hoarding. The world we live in today loves wealth and material possessions, but we are to be set apart from the world. You can’t have two gods it’s either you serve God or money. Sometimes it’s not money that [...]
Christians believe in one living and true God. The Creator of heaven and earth. He is eternal, unchanging, holy, and all-powerful. He exists as three Persons but One Essence. The three Persons are God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three are equal and eternal. Let’s find out, is the [...]
What does the Bible say about life beginning at conception? Have you heard any of these statements recently? “It’s not a baby – it’s just a clump of cells!” “It’s not alive until it takes its first breath.” Oh really? What does God have to say about the matter? What does science say? How about [...]