Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

God’s Protection

Bible verses about God’s protection Every day one of the things I always pray for is for God’s protection. I say Lord I ask for your protection over my family, friends, and for believers. The other day my mom got hit by a car. Some people would see this and say why didn’t God protect [...]

Feeling Defeated

Bible verses about feeling defeated Life right now might be hard for you, but know God is in control of the situation. Never fear because God is greater than the world. When a Christian is dealing with struggles in life it’s not to defeat us, but make us stronger. We use these times to grow in [...]

Making Mistakes

Bible verses about making mistakes In life we all make mistakes, but we are not to let them define us. I will admit some mistakes are more costly then others, but we are to use them to become wiser. God will always remains faithful to his children. Are you learning from your mistakes? Do you [...]

What does the Bible say about planning? Planning for your future is a huge priority today. We plan our education, careers, finances, and family. Courses teach us strategic planning for the future, planning apps help us stay on task, and TikTok’s motivational videos inspire us. The ability to plan well is considered critical for accomplishments [...]


Bible verses about hoarding While it is good to save we must be on guard from hoarding. The world we live in today loves wealth and material possessions, but we are to be set apart from the world. You can’t have two gods it’s either you serve God or money. Sometimes it’s not money that [...]

What does the Bible say about church attendance? I must be honest. This post is being written because of my burden for what is going on today. Many Christians are neglecting church. Church attendance is on the decline. I recently went to North Carolina and most of the professing Christians that I talked to did [...]

What does the Bible say about hardship? When your life is all about Christ hardships are inevitable. There are many reasons why Christians go through hardships in life. Sometimes it is to discipline us and bring us back on the path of righteousness. Sometimes it’s to strengthen our faith and make us more like Christ. [...]

What does the Bible say about gambling? Many people wonder is gambling a sin? Although there might not be a clear cut verse from what we learn in Scripture I strongly believe it is a sin and all Christians should stay away from it. It is terrible to see that some churches are bringing gambling [...]

What does the Bible say about loyalty? The true definition for loyalty is God. Scripture tells us that even if we are faithless, He remains faithful. Even if a believer fails God will remain loyal. Scripture makes it clear that nothing can snatch our salvation in Christ. The Word of God continually says that God will never [...]

Graven Images

Bible verses about graven images The Second Commandment is thou shalt not make any graven image. It is idolatry to worship false gods or the true God by statues or pictures. First, no one knows how Jesus looks like so how can you make an image of him? There are graven images in Roman Catholic [...]

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