Two philosophical ideas that are easily confused is pantheism vs panentheism. Let’s try to dig into this a bit to see what all the differences are and what Scripture has to say about them. What is pantheism? Pantheism is a philosophical belief that God can be equated with the universe and what is in it. [...]
Ashley Evans
Jews and Christians are known as People of the Book. This is in reference to the Bible: God’s Holy Word. But how different is the Torah from the Bible? History The Torah is part of the sacred Scriptures of the Jewish people. The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, is typically divided into three parts: the Torah, [...]
The Torah and the Bible are typically viewed as the same book. But are they? What are the differences? Why do we use two different names? If Jews and Christians are both called People of the Book, and both worship the same God, why do we have two different books? What is the Torah? The [...]
Is this a contradiction? Many Christians stumble over trying to reconcile the apparent contradictions in Numbers 23:19 and Exodus 32:14. How can the omniscient, immutable God change His mind? Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; has He said, and will He [...]
What are the major differences between the Bible and the Book of Mormon? Is the Book of Mormon reliable? Can we view it with the same regard as we view the Bible? Can anything helpful be gleaned from it? Authors The Bible Voddie Baucham at the Ever Loving Truth Conference in 2016 said, “I [...]
It may feel like there are an overwhelming amount of translations to choose from. Here we discuss two of the most down to earth, readable translations on the market: the NIV and the CSB. Origin of NIV and CSB NIV – the New International Version was originally introduced in 1973. CSB – in 2004, the [...]
Around the world you will find around four thousand different religions. Many people claim that all religions are virtually equal. That every faith is essentially the same at their core. Is this true? What are the basic tenants of the faiths of the world’s largest religions? Christianity is the world’s largest religion To say that [...]