Quotes about God’s love Have you ever wondered why we all have the need to be loved? If we’re honest, we all have a desire to be loved. We want to feel cared for. We want to feel cherished and accepted. However, why is that? We were made to find true love in God. Love [...]
Greetings! This post will be a bit more serious than what I normally do, so brace yourselves! It is about what the book of Revelations calls the “mark of the beast.” What is it and why should we avoid it? How will God respond if we do get this mark? Are there consequences if we [...]
Let’s find out about the phrase “turn from sin”. Is it needed to be saved? Is it Biblical? Are there turn from sin Bible verses? In this article I will clear up a lot of things for you. Let’s begin! Quotes “By delay of repentance, sin strengthens, and the heart hardens. The longer ice freezeth, [...]
With the SBC currently battling the abuse scandals, the discussion and debate of complementarianism and egalitarianism is being brought up more and more frequently. In order for us to engage in these situations from a biblical worldview, we need to have a solid grasp of what the Bible says about these topics. What is egalitarianism? [...]
Quotes about healthcare Billions of people around the world lack basic health care. Healthcare is a common and important topic in politics. Not only is it important in politics, but it is important to God. Let’s learn more on the importance of healthcare and taking care of your body. The importance of healthcare [...]
Today I was sitting in my driveway trying to turn left onto the main highway when there was an overabundance of school traffic passing by. In my frustration, I thought that there was never going to be a break in the traffic just for me to pull out. Isn’t this how life can feel sometimes? [...]
Praise is an amazing spiritual weapon that many of us struggle to take advantage of. How often do you praise the Lord? Are you always worried about what you don’t have or you focused on what you do have in Him? Be honest with yourself. Grow in the pattern of praising and worshiping the Lord [...]
These days everybody thinks they’re Christian, but Scripture tells us that most people will not make it into Heaven. Matthew 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that [...]
I would like to start off by saying that homeschooling is a great option for Christian parents and it’s the best option for children because the best teachers for children are their parents, but it’s not for everyone. Carefully pray about this matter to find out what is best for your family. Here are reasons [...]
What does only God can judge me mean? We all have heard this statement at some point in our lives, but is this statement biblical? The plain answer is no. This is actually a Tupac Shakur song. When people say this, they are saying you are a human and you have no right to judge [...]